Stever presents keynotes and workshops on leadership, careers (and life!), and time management. Audiences and meeting planners give him rave reviews.
Schedule Stever for your event today!
Careers, Life & Success
Executive Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Personal Productivity
Living an Extraordinary Life.
How would life change if you committed to living only a life that you defined as extraordinary? In 2008, Stever began an experiment in doing just that: deciding to pursue a life that’s a perfect “10”, rather than a life of doing what he should do, or what makes sense. During that time, he created one of the world’s top business podcasts with almost 200,000 weekly listeners, wrote a book, helped with the strategy for the world’s #1 entrepreneurship school, co-wrote a one-man musical (with no prior experience), acted, sang, and danced in three musicals, co-founded two companies, and began learning to sight-sing.
Listen to the MP3 of Living an Extraordinary Life as presented to the Harvard Business School Alumni Association
Download slides, etc.
Stever’s YouTube channel has several samples of him speaking, including at least one video in which he’s having the Worst. Hair. Day. Ever.
Beyond Your Own Limits!
An interactive presentation that helps audience members find the beliefs that drive and limit their behavior, re-evaluate those belief, and change them if necessary.
The 7 Success Traps: How Success Now Can Stop Us In Our Tracks Later
We all love the notion of huge success at an early age. But success brings its own problems, not the least of which is that we often believe we know what made us successful (and that “what” was our own sweat, blood, and tears). The habits that make success today help us optimize and streamline our lives and organizations around creating that kind of success. If the world changes, or our goals change, the system that works so well for us now can become the barrier to change. Together, we’ll explore the seven ways in which the very things that lead to success also kill our flexibility, and how to restart ourselves when it’s time for a change.
Ten Cultural Lies about Successful and Happy Careers
Based on my experiences doing career, business, and executive coaching, this shares many of the common myths about happiness, success, and how to build a career that encompasses both. Especially relevant for high-performers, many of whom are diving headlong into careers and lives that will make them thoroughly miserable, though reasonably wealthy.
The Entrepreneurial Life: Lessons from a Serial Entrepreneur
Life as an entrepreneur teaches a different way of thinking about the world. Entrepreneurship is rooted in instability, ambiguity, and luck. Entrepreneurs think on our feet, spot opportunity when it passes by, and ultimately do the best we can with what we have. Even if you plan to work in a corporation, life itself is an entrepreneurial venture.
Lessons from (1)9 Startups
Life in Startup Land isn’t easy. But many of the problems happen again and again. Learn the common pitfalls and how to avoid them. This presentation is an exposition of lessons from Stever’s learning log over the course of his involvement with nineteen startups, both bootstrapped and venture backed. He’ll cover issues that are rarely discussed in formal entrepreneurship settings.
This presentation has been extremely popular at several of the country’s top business schools, including Wharton, Harvard Business School, MIT’s Sloan School, and Brown University.
Speaking from deep business knowledge, he motivates thought and action with stories and lessons gained from 25 years of experience as an entrepreneur, executive and advisor.
Rave reviews
Stever’s past clients give rave reviews about Stever’s ability to provide just the right content for their most pressing problems. See what he can do for you
“Stever’s history with start-ups, the Harvard Business School’s ‘Leadership and Learning’ curriculum overhaul and his educational background leave him uniquely qualified to speak to a broad and diverse group of business audiences. Combine his experience base with an ability to touch all of us with an engaging and thought provoking style and you have the makings of a great session/workshop. If we all followed Stever’s advice the business world would be in much better shape!”
Len Schlesinger, Vice Chairman and CO, Limited Brands
“Stever’s not just a presenter, he’s an experience!”
Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul
“Stever is a great presenter. He presents with energy, enthusiasm and displays a mastery of the material that makes it fun and accessible to the whole audience.”
Ken Blanchard, co-author The One Minute Manager
“You hit a home run for our audience. People learned a great deal and left understanding how their business works, what drives profitability, and what options they have for creating long-term business value.”
James Lavoie, CEO, Middlesex Savings Bank
“We invited Stever Robbins in to speak to our business customers about growing their companies and he was great. His insights were right on, and a number of our customers commented that they walked away with an action list of useful suggestions.”
Charles F. French, President & CEO, Union Savings Bank, Danbury CT
You can find more testimonials here.
Schedule Stever for your event today!