In 2012, I was asked to give a talk at TEDx Mill River. My talk was Living an Extraordinary Life, the story of my quest for a life that’s, well, extraordinary. In 2013, I gave an expanded version of the talk to the Harvard Business School Alumni Association’s careers webinar series. Below you can find the audio from that talk, along with the slides that went along with the talk.
The experiment described in the talk was designed working with my coach, Michael Neill, who was instrumental in identifying that an overattachment to goals and outcomes was holding me back considerably in life. Michael is the one who proposed the basic format of the experiment.
Below you’ll find:
- The slideshow as both a streaming and downloadable video.
- An MP3 version of the audio (tagged as an audiobook so you can listen at 1.5x or 2x speed)
- A PDF version of the slides
Want to listen more quickly? Download the MP3. It’s tagged as an audiobook, rather than a music file. On iPhones using the native Music app or the Audible audiobook player, you can listen at 2x (Music app) or 3x speed (Audible app). You can hear the whole hour in 1/2 hour or 20 minutes.
Video: the 2013 Audio & Slides as a Webinar
Audio for 2013 Living an Extraordinary Life
Download MP3 of 2013 Living an Extraordinary Life
Slides for Living an Extraordinary Life
Note: These slides are not standalone! They complement, not replace, the audio.

2017 Slides for Living an Extraordinary Life (they’re similar enough that you can follow along)
Writing an Extraordinary Musical
Working Together
If you would like to apply to work together, I take a small number of clients to work with closely each year in high-fee, high-impact, transformational coaching engagements. Clients are high achievers, success-oriented, and committed to transforming their lives.