

Here are articles on planning

Punt resolutions; use strategy, instead!

It’s January, and we all know what that means: time to set New Years resolutions that we’re going to break! The main things resolutions are good for is causing the gym to get way too crowded for the first six weeks of the year. You have a tool at your finger tips that will do far more for you than simply setting resolutions.

Skip your resolutions and set strategy, instead.

A strategy is a 50,000-foot view of your life or business. A good strategic plan gives you a roadmap for where to put your time and effort this year. It tells you what to say “yes” to and what to say “no” to.

As you know from my article on how vision and mission relate to strategy, your strategy for a year answers the question, “How can we further the company vision, given the realities of the markets, customers, and resources under our control right now?” Strategy is how vision plays out in today’s real world context.

But when you’re setting your strategy, make sure to approach it from both the outside and the inside.

Look Outside to Set Strategy

Your strategy depends on what’s going on outside your company walls. You need to develop a plan that makes you more desirable to customers than any of your competitors. That means knowing:

  • How do your customers think of you? What product category do they put you in? (Don’t assume you know. A yacht isn’t necessarily a vehicle. Rather, it may be a status symbol.)
  • Who else is in that product category? If you’re a yacht, are you competing against Toyota and JetBlue (transportation) or are you competing against Jetstream and Sotheby’s (status symbols)?
  • What advantage do you have over your competitors?
  • How can you best communicate that advantage to the market?
  • Who has the power in your ecosystem, and how can you increase your power?

One of my favorite books on external strategy is Co-opetition by Adam Brandenburger and Barry Nalebuff. If you’ve ever heard of Michael Porter’s “Five Forces,” Co-opetition goes one step further and deepens the model. Just the way Brandenburger and Nalebuff define competitive and complementary relationships is worth the cost of the book.

Strategy Looks Inside

Looking outside is only half of the equation. You also need to look inside when you formulate your strategy. If strategy is vision made real now, part of “now” is the resources you have under your control. You need to take stock of your resources and decide which resources will form the foundation of your strategy.

When you make ultra-yachts, two of your assets are your customer list (oodles and oodles of rich people), and your yacht design capabilities. If you base your strategy off your customer list, you will expand into other products and services that your current customers might want. Like platinum dinner place settings. If, however, you base your strategy off your design capabilities, you might instead expand into other kinds of yachts, or other sea-faring vessels.

My favorite book on internal strategy is Top Management Strategy by Tregoe et al. The book is 30 years old, but is pretty much just as relevant today as when it was written.

Treat yourself to a 3-martini lunch

If you don’t have a formal strategy session planned, then at least take a long lunch. And over lunch, review the vision/mission for your venture. Why are you in the game in the first place? Then ask yourself how that gets expressed in the world of 2017. Review your external factors—competitors, customers, suppliers, and so on. Review your internal resources, and decide which you plan to base your strategy on.

Then go for it. Give shape to your plans for the next year. Make sure to build in time to review and course correct, and get your year off to a good start. A New Years resolution might only last a couple of weeks, but a good strategy will support you for a year.

Planning for operational growth

A key element of working less and doing more is preparing enough for the future so you have systems in place when the demands on you grow.

If your business is lucky enough to be on a growth path, you still have to deal with setting up operations before the growth happens. Otherwise, you get caught unable to deliver on the extra sales you’ve generated. If you need examples, look no further than AT&T’s inability to deliver adequate data coverage in major markets since the introduction of the iPhone, five years ago. I was interviewed by Latino Business Review on the preparing for operational growth. It’s interesting that the article characterizes me repeatedly as “conservative” in my business practices. I wouldn’t consider my advice conservative; I’d just call it common sense. If you’re growing into a country or product line you have no experience with, why in the world would you make a huge bet with no data? Far better to make a small bet that lets you collect the data, and then commit major resources.

Read the article here: http://www.latinobusinessreview.com/business-features/operations/think-medium-term-planning-operational-growth

What are your beliefs about planning?

Now that we’ve explored some rules and beliefs on organizational life, would you like to chime in on rules and beliefs about projects and planning?

Some of the beliefs that have ruled my life:

  • I have to plan for contingencies.
  • I have to deliver according to plan.
  • If I miss a milestone, everything will fall apart.
  • If I miss a milestone, it’s no big deal.
